Saturday, September 8, 2012

秋の風物詩(aki no fubutsushi) 1 --- Special Attractions of Autumn

----敬老の日(けいろう の ひ、keiroo no hi)----

The third Monday of September is keiro-no-hi, or Respect-for-the-Aged Day. It is a day to honor the aged, celebrate their long life, pray for their good health in the future. People give a gift to their parents or grandparents, and there are also many events such as variety shows organized by local governments or respect-for-age associations.

The number of centenarians in Japan--- 47,756 (Sep.13, 2011), 51,376 (Sep.15,2012)
The lifespan for women---85.90 years, for men---79.44 years (2011)

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