Friday, August 31, 2012

夏の風物詩(natsu no fubutsushi) 3 --- Special Attractions of Summer

----暑中見舞い(しょちゅう みまい、shochu mimai )、
残暑見舞い(ざんしょ みまい、zansho mimai )----

Japanese used to exchange cards in summer. “Shochu mimai” which means  'I hope you keep your health in this scurching heat'.is written until “Rsshu”(the first day of autumn according to the lunar calendar, Aug. 8 in 2012), and “Zansho mimai” which means, ' I hope you keep your health in this lingering summer heat.' after “Risshu” until “Shosho”( one of the 24 divisions of the four seasons, around August 23)

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