Sunday, November 23, 2014

B級ご当地グルメ ( B-kyuu gotoochi gurume, B-class Local Gourment) --- Japanese Cuisine 9

Atsugi shirokoro-horumon
B-kyu Gotochi Gurume

  "B-class local gourmet" is the term for simple yet tasty foods like udon noodles, yakisoba(fried noodles)  curry, bowls of rice topped with different ingredients. Those are usually simple and cheap but tasty, prepared using mainly local ingredients.
Hachinohe senbei-jiru

  B-1 Grand Prix Competition (B-kyu Gotochi Gurume Festival) is annually held nationwide to invigorate the local areas by introducing popular local foods, deepening knowledge of the place and strengthening ties between regions.

 In 2006 when the first festival was held, there were only 10 participating groups and 17,000 visitors, and it has gained popularity throughout Japan. This year 2014, there were 59 groups and 453,000 visitors in the festival in Kooriyama City, Fukushima.

Yokote yakisoba
The Winning Dishes
  Atsugi shirokoro-horumon (grilled beef or pork intestine) won the championship at the 3rd event in 2009, Yokote yakisoba(fried noodles) at the 4th, Kofu motsuni (stewed chicken intestines)  at the 5th, Hachinohe senbei-jiru(hot pot dish with rice crackers) at the 7th, and Towada-barayaki (beef ribs) at the 9th.

Friday, November 7, 2014

たこやき ( takoyaki, Octopus Ball) ---- Japanese Cuisine 8

たこやき (takoyaki, octopus ball)

  Takoyaki are grilled octopus balls. Ingredients include batter, octopus, green onion, tempura scraps (tenkasu) and pickled ginger. Sold at street stands, takoyaki are grilled on an iron plate, and served with bonito flakes,  and green laver(aonori), a thick sauce and sometimes mayonnaise.

  Crisp takoyaki on the outside and soft chewy in the center is considered as the best.