Saturday, November 2, 2013

日本の料理 (nihon no ryoori)  Japanese Cuisine 4

鍋料理 (なべりょうり, nabe ryoori) Cookpot Dishes

 Japanese culture, which can be called "a culture of harmony," places importance on harmony among friends as well as family members.
 Soup stock and ingredients are put in a pot and heated; our or five persons sit around it, put soup and ingredients from the pot into their own bowls and eat. There are all sorts of ingredients and soup stocks, as many flavors and ways of preparing, for example, Sukiyaki, Shabushabu, Yosenabe, Chankonabe, Kakinabe, Mamonabe, Botannabe, Chirinabe, etc.

なべ材料( ingredients)

ちゃんこ鍋 (Chankonabe)