Friday, March 8, 2013

日本の文化 ( nihon no bunka) 1 Japanese Culture

The importance of blood type in Japanese culture

Many Japanese people believe that each blood type has a certain personality and affinity, so it is a common topic on someone's blood type to predict his or personality, temperament, and compatibility with others similar to how astrological signs are used in other countries. The popular belief originates with publications by Masahiko Nomi in the 1970s.

General personality of people who have type A blood
—Consider things carefully
—Can understand other people’s feelings easily
—Good at hospitality
—Don’t express themselves in order to avoid possible quarrel
—Do things carefully and steadily, and don’t take the next step if they are not satisfied
—Big on cleanliness

General personality of people who have type B blood
—Like to go their own way
—Do what they want without considering other people’s feelings, rules and customs
—Not pretentious
—Don’t get heart-broken over lost love

General personality of people who have type AB blood
—Chase ideals and dreams
—Don’t have secular needs such as greed and a desire to succeed
—Sensitive and easily hurt
—Have a complicated personality
—Vigorous in pursuit of knowledge in wide range of fields
—Have unique ideas and are creative

General personality of people who have type O blood

—Strong in face of adversity
—Dream of getting rich quick, but actually take a steady approach—Go straight toward their goal
—Very cautious
—Don’t care about small things, taking a wider perspective instead
—Devoted, but with a strong desire to monopolize

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