Sunday, November 18, 2012

日本の祝日 (nihon no shuku jitsu) 1 --- Natinal Holidays of Japan

勤労感謝の日(きんろうかんしゃのひ、kinrou-kansha-no-hi) Labor Thanksgiving Day

November 23rd is Kinro-kansha-no-hi. In 1948, it was designated a national holiday “for the people to honor labor, celebrate manufacturing and give thanks to one another.” From ancient times, this day has been an observance known as 新嘗祭(にいなめさい、nii-name-sai, the Shinto Harvest Festival), carried out at the imperial court. For this, the Emperor dedicates that year's new rice to the gods and tastes it for the first time This observance is held still today in the Imperial Household.

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