Saturday, March 28, 2015

姫路城 (Himeji-jo), Himeji Castle --- 世界遺産 (Sekai Isan) (UNESCO) World Heritage Site 4

姫路城 (Himeji-jo), Himeji Castle
Himeji Castle & Cherry Blossoms

 Himeji Castle is widely considered Japan's most spectacular castle. Himeji Castle is also known as "Shirasagi-jo (White Heron Castle)" because of its walls covered with white plaster.

The Renovated Castle
Unlike many other Japanese castles, Himeji Casle was never damaged in wars, earthquakes or fires and survives in its original form.

In 1993, Himeji Castle was registered as a UNESCO's World Heritage site, because it is a wooden castle structure of incomparable worth in the world and because the whole structure including towers, stone ramparts, and earthen walls are extremely well preserved. It is also designated as national treasure along with the other three castles ( Matsumoto Castle, Hikone Castle and Inuyama Castle).

Himeji Castle & the Blue Impulse
 A fort was constructed by Norimura Akamatsu, the ruler of the Harima domain in 1333. Over the centuries, the various clans such as Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Ikeda Terumasa enlarged it into a large castle complex. The well defended castle and its wooden interior are fascinating, and the castle's sight is spectacular, especially during the short and crowded cherry blossom season, that usually takes place in early April.

Under Construction

Himeji Castle re-opened to the public on March 27 after 5 1/2 years of renovation work, following a ceremony on the previous day featuring the Air Self-Defense Force's aerobatic team Blue Impulse.


The Link to Japan's Top 100 Castles:

Thursday, March 12, 2015

鯛焼き( Tai-yaki), 今川焼き( Imagawa-yaki), どら焼き( Dora-yaki) -- 日本のお菓子、Sweets in Japan 2


  Taiyaki(literally "baked sea bream") is a Japanese fish-shaped cake or waffle batter filled with azuki sweet read bean paste. The batter is poured into a fish-shaped mold for each side. The filling is then put on one side and the mold is closed. It is then cooked on both sides until golden brown.

 There are other common fillings made of custard, chocolate, maccha cream, cheese, sweet potato, etc..


 Imagawa-yaki is the same as Taiyaki but with a circular shape, and there are various kinds of names depending on regions.

Ōban-yaki (大判焼き) — is major in Kansai region and Hokuriku region.
Kaiten-yaki (回転焼き) — is major in Kansai and Kyūshū region.
Taiko-yaki(太鼓焼き)- Kansai and Chugoku region
Oyaki(おやき)- in Hokkaido and Tohoku region
Nijū-yaki (二重焼き) - in Shimane, Hiroshima, Yamaguchi, Kagoshima
Anko-manjuu(あんこ饅頭)- Okinawa


Cream dora-yaki
Doraemon dora-yaki
  Dora-yaki is a type of Japanese confection, а red-bean pancake which consists of two small pancake-like patties made from castella wrapped around a filling of sweet Azuki red bean paste.

  In Japanese, dora means "gong", and because of the similarity of the shapes, this is probably the origin of the name of the sweet. In Kansai area, such as Osaka or Nara, this sweet is often called mikasa(三笠).
Seasonal Sakura dora-yaki