Tuesday, February 10, 2015

いちご大福 (Ichigo Daifuku) --- 日本のお菓子、Sweets in Japan 1

いちご大福, Ichigo daifuku  

  Ichigo Daifuku is a glutinous rice cake stuffed with anko (sweetened read bean paste or white bean paste) and ichigo(strawberry).

 Daifuku mochi(大福餅)or daifuku(大福-literally "great luck"), which are soft mochi dumplings stuffed with a sweet filling, such as red bean paste (anko) or white bean paste (shiroan) are very popular as an afternoon treat (rather
than a dessert).

みかん大福(orange daifuku)
もも大福(peach daifuku)
ぶどう大福(grape daifuku)
  Ichigo daifuku first created during the 1980’s, are a true Japanese delicacy featuring a good combination of the traditional sweets and seasonal juicy fruits.

 Other than ichigo daifuku, there are mikan(maderine orange), kiwi, melon, peach daifuku and so on.